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This romantic love song is written from Elizabeth's imagination dealing with the challenge of separation of true love during wartime. The haunting instrumentals of cello and violin play underneath enchanting vocals. You'll need a kleenex with this song."



#LetItGrow – WNCN & Elizabeth South parody “Let It Go” for No Shave November

Raleigh - NC (This Description/Blog comes from the "Let It Grow" Youtube Video Description. CLICK HERE When WNCN Today anchor Phil Sanchez (@Phil_Sanchez) saw November approaching on the calendar, he knew he had an opportunity to do what most male news anchors only dream about – stop shaving. He started a “No Shave November” donation page with the American Cancer Society ( and was immediately inspired by their hashtag #LetItGrow. As a father, Phil had to fight the urge to begin humming “Let It Go,” the incredibly infectious anthem of Disney’s animated film “Frozen.” That sparked an idea. Phil remembered WNCN’s coverage of a local woman in Durham, NC who won a nationwide contest singing...